Pastor Sherry Says ….
Sow righteousness for yourselves,
reap the fruit of unfailing love,
and break up your unplowed ground;
for it is time to seek the Lord,
until he comes
and showers his righteousness on you.
Hosea 10:12 NIV
Are you ready?! On January 1st we will be in 2024! As we
enter into 2024 it will be more than turning the page on the
calendar. It will be more than trying to remember the new
number for every check we write (it takes me awhile). The
more is that God is doing something… God is moving…
God is blessing… I am excited! God is present, and God is
leading our future!
As we head into this new year, we will be seeking Christ’s
power! In Acts 1:8, Jesus told his followers, “But you will
receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you.” So,
how exactly do we seek Christ’s power? Just like the early
church did. Their response to Jesus is found in Acts 1:14,
“They all joined together constantly in prayer.” Soon after,
they experienced Pentecost. They experienced Christ’s
power as the Holy Spirit filled them.
We seek Christ’s power through Prayer. Not just a quick,
drive-by prayer, but seeking prayer. Prayer that is willing
to listen. Prayer that is revealing. Prayer that has
intentional time, and prayer that becomes a lifestyle.
Prayer is the ultimate connection with God and the driving
force for everything in our faith. Prayer is our invitation for
God to break through and transform our lives, our church,
and our world.
I want to encourage all of us to be expecting to encounter
God in powerful ways. As a church, we will be focused on
prayer in worship. Our Life Groups will be going through
Dynamite Prayer by Rosario Picardo and Sue Nilson
Kibbey. Watch for other prayer initiatives and opportunities
and prayerfully consider taking part. I am looking forward
to hearing more and more God Moments as people share
how they saw God, felt God, were led by God, and were
even convicted by God. I especially expect to hear how
people are moving in Christ’s power! I am expecting that
we will witness more lives changed, more kingdom impact,
and a depth of faith like never before. God is with us!
Pastor Sherry Mahar
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