Pastor Sherry Says ….
A clergy colleague shared a prayer with me a while ago
that moved me. Perhaps it will move you too:
Compassionate One,
When I am irritated or discouraged
By how others respond,
Or do not respond,
Fill me with compassion and kindness
When memories of unpleasant experiences
Of the past return
Assist me in extending forgiveness
Help me, also to be kind to myself
To not deny the struggles.
Soothe my sore spirit,
When I find the days especially difficult.
Forgive me for my own failings,
And help me to overcome any guilt I have
For not always being my best self.
You know that some days are not easy ones
Bless all of us with your merciful kindness. Amen
I wish I knew the author. I would certainly give credit- not
only as the author of this beautifully written prayer, but as
the author of that prayer that spoke to my heart, speaking
some things I was struggling to find words to say. I am
thankful for words that guide me in prayer to places I didn’t
even know I needed to go. I am thankful that God knows
the words in my heart and mind, even when I can’t find the
words. No matter what, I know that God is the place to go.
With words expressed or a heart just struggling- I go to
God in prayer.
In a season of hope and promise, there are also struggles
and difficulties. Don’t we all find ourselves getting irritated
or discouraged at times? There are so many things that
disrupt our days, our weeks, our minds, our hearts. In
prayer, I am reminded of God’s presence through it all. I
have become aware, over and over, throughout my life of
resurrection experiences along the way. Sometimes out of
disappointment comes a sense of understanding and
peace… the why turns into the way, the hard gives way to
heart, the doubt to trust and faith. That’s not always an
immediate experience. Sometimes it takes time. But it
happens often enough for me that it keeps despair or
defeat outside of my sense of the “armor of God.” In Christ,
there is always hope and promise. In Christ’s resurrection
power, there is victory.
Pastor Sherry Mahar
Rome First and Delta UMC
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