Matthew 7:21-23a Jesus said, “Not everyone who says to
me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only
the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.
Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not
prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons
and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell
them plainly, ‘I never knew you.’”
I’ve always found this passage disturbing and certainly a
wake-up call. Jesus said, “I never knew you,” even after
people had been busy doing God’s work and assuming
they were, therefore, a disciple. Disciple… what does that
When people in the church consider whether or not they
are a disciple there are often some very different
responses, some of which are not healthy nor helpful. The
first usually comes from someone who is very committed
and involved in their faith, actively seeking to grow and
become more like Christ, and yet they feel that they don’t
“measure up” and are therefore not a disciple. This tends
to be revealed in carrying shame, guilt, unworthiness, and
feeling inadequate and incapable. Another comes from
someone who is maybe very busy in the church and would
consider themselves a disciple, yet they are not seeking
spiritual growth and transformation, and sees no reason to
do so. This tends to be revealed in pride, shallowness, and
distance. There’s also the response of someone who calls
themselves Christian, assumes they are a disciple, yet is
not involved in their faith and knows little about it. This
tends to be revealed in a consumer mentality, entitlement,
unknowing, and more. Honestly, I have been all three of
those examples at different points in my life. Perhaps you
can identify with some of these as well.
So then, disciple… what does that mean? Simply, it means
to be a follower, and since we are Christians, that means
that we are specifically followers of Jesus Christ. So then,
what does it mean to be a follower? In examining the
Scriptures and the lives of the disciples in the Bible, as well
as disciples throughout the ages, being a disciple, a
follower of Jesus, means to be seeking, striving,
participating, longing, to do God’s will, and experiencing
spiritual growth. It’s actively pursuing becoming more and
more like Jesus through spiritual disciplines, which is
revealed as the Fruit of the Spirit in our own lives and in
the way we interact with others. All of this is dependent
upon a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Though
growing closer to Jesus is something that will keep us busy
(attending worship, reading the Bible, praying, serving,
giving, sharing, etc.) the purpose is not to be busy. As
Jesus stated in the passage above, it is possible to be very
busy FOR God without having a real and intimate
relationship WITH God.
Being a Christian means that we are committing to be a
disciple- a follower of Jesus who is forgiven and worthy- a
beloved child of God, co-heir with Christ. It means that
Christ makes us able. It means acknowledging we are
sinners in need of God’s grace, and knowing that Jesus
heals, delivers, and transforms. It means that we
continually examine our lives- our choices, actions,
thoughts, motives, etc., and confess and repent. It means
that our lives become re-aligned toward God and we are
intentional about inviting God into all aspects of our lives.
It means that we continually seek to know God more and
more. God didn’t call us to be busy in the church for
busyness’ sake, but to be busy with what matters- a
relationship with God.
As we head into these summer days, I ask that we take
some time to consider our own relationship with God. In
what ways are we a disciple, a follower of Christ, and how
is God calling us into a deeper, more intimate relationship?
What is God leading us to seek, change, do, and become-
where is God leading you and me? Our church is the place,
the people, who will give the tools, support, and hope, as
we walk this discipleship journey together.
Pastor Sherry
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